different plants and animals from the rainforest.

The Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers in the Rainforest

 The rain forest grows in three levels, the Canopy, which is the tallest level it has trees between 100 and 200 feet tall.
The second level called the understory contains a mix of shrubs, ferns, palms, small trees and vines. The third and lowest level is the Forest floor where herbs, mosses and fungi grow.

   A producer is an organism that makes it’s own food from light energy or chemical energy. Most green plants that are one-celled organisms like slime molds and bacteria are producers. Producers are the base of the food chain. 

   A consumer is a living thing that eats other living things to stay alive. It cannot make it’s own food like a producer but relies on producers for their source of food. There are more Primary Consumers then Secondary Consumers

   They may look like they don’t do a thing but decomposers are the most important kind of species. Without Decomposers the Tropical Rain Forest would be piled high with branches, rotting trees decaying fruits. All of the decomposers team up and work together to decompose plant matter. In six weeks all of the litter would be composed, the Tropical Rain Forest Biome has the fasting working decomposers out of all other biomes. For example to decompose a log you would have termites eating it so eventually their wouldn’t be any fallen branches on the ground to rot, or any organic litter. So as you can see the decomposers are very important!